Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Baby Portraits: Naomi

I had the pleasure of doing some portraits for the Locke family. They recently moved to Maryland from Texas to be the new pastoral family of the First Baptist Church of Brooklyn. My family quickly befriended the entire family, and I personally feel as though I've known them all for years. Naomi is their fourth child, and is one of the most well-behaved newborns I've ever interacted with during a portrait session.

It wasn't long after we started the session that Naomi fell asleep. This was perfectly fine with me, because she looked absolutely precious either way! I hadn't brought any props to this session, but I liked using the couch pattern to add a sophisticated touch to some of these photographs. We also makeshifted a black blanket as a background for some of the other shots. 

I had fun playing with some fresh Gerber daisy's that my boyfriend had gotten me for Valentines Day. I felt slightly guilty when he brought them over for me because in the back of my mind, I already had alternative plans to use the flowers during this session. I loved how they turned out.

Annie (Naomi's mother) was so on board with using various props and trying different things with Naomi. She provided me with a tutu to put around her, even though it was way too big. She also brought down the pearl necklaces to put on Naomi. Something tells me Naomi is going to love playing dress-up!

Below is one of my favorites from that day. Naomi was a joy to work with, and her family is a joy to know and spend time with.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

First Wedding Expo

I had the privilege of being featured in a wedding expo at Annapolis Town Centre this afternoon. Vendors were featured in stores throughout, and visitors were welcome to explore the shops and get to know local vendors. 

My business was housed by a quaint shop called As Kindred Spirits, which sold various artsy items made by local residents.

I had a lot of fun setting up my booth for the expo. I had a much larger vision in mind, but space was limited in the store, so I had to do the best with what I had. I was pleased with the turnout. :-)

One of the most successful items at my booth was my business card. I got a lot of compliments, and a lot of people asked me how I got them. ;-)

 Overall, I learned a lot from the experience and I can't wait to sign up for another! I'm very prepared for the next one!