Friday, September 18, 2009

Portrait Session: Rachelle

I recently did a photoshoot with my roommate Rachelle. Here are my best shots from that adventure:

It was a bit of a challenge to get her to loosen up, but it was one that I met with stunning results. :-)
Here is my personal favorite shot of the day, and there's a story behind it. I had a picture taken of me in a similar pose, and when she saw that picture, she lamented that she'd never be able to pull off something quite so glamorous - I took her statement as a personal challenge that I told her I would ultimately fulfill. And so I did.

The guiding lines in this shot from the tree are something I particularly enjoy about this picture.

Another favorite from the day, and there's a story behind this one too - I requested that she just think very intently about something before taking this picture, and I later noted to her that there was a very spiritual quality to the result. It was then that she informed me that she was in fact in silent prayer during this shot - It gave me chills. (the good kind)

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